Phonolook 3D
The new way of comfort
Eterno Ivica improves acoustic comfort at the skating rink in Motta di Livenza
The sound-absorbing materials chosen to improve the acoustic performance of a room with a volume of fifteen thousand cubic metres

Quadro Phonolook 3D
Quadro 3D The excellence in details, an innovative weaving technique. The new Phonolook 3D line comes from the fine fabrics used in the interior design world. Realized on the basis of the standard panels of the Solution line, the 3D Phonolook panels are characterized by an embossed fabri...

Phonolook 3D
Rettangolo The excellence in details, an innovative weaving technique. The new Phonolook 3D line comes from the fine fabrics used in the interior design world. Realized on the basis of the standard panels of the Solution line, the 3D Phonolook panels are characterized by an embossed fabr...