Workshop: smart building + Leed • May 26, 2014 • Milan
Will be presented to media elevated outdoor floors, Pedestal and lines Woodeck Floor System, contributing to achieving Leed credits.

Clip for perimeter wall in elevated floors. UNIVERSAL EDGE CLIP.
Created by Eterno Ivica to avoid contact between perimeter wall and the tiles of the elevated outdoor flooring.

Innovative perimeter curtain wall for raised floors. VERTICAL EDGE CLIP.
Designed to solve a common problem in all elevated floors with at least one side open: how to create a step closing the void space in an easy way?

Conference in Trieste-"litigation and TECHNICAL SOLUTIONS IN BUILDING ACOUSTICS"
Thursday, May 22, 2014, from 14:00 to 19:00. Will be examined real cases of litigation, from the origin to the different responsibilities until legal resolutions and technical solutions possible.

Workshop: Wellness design • 4/3/2014 • Milan
Thursday, April 3, 2014 Testori Auditorium of Palazzo Lombardia in Milan as part of the workshop "Wellness Design", the Commercial Director of Eternal Italy Ivica, Mr. Alberto coconut, will speak on the topic "outdoor raised Floors: a style trend".