DAYS OF ORIS '18 a Zagabria
On October 13th and 14th, Eterno Ivica will be at the international architecture convention, organized by Oris, in Zagreb.

Eterno Ivica's first time at Architect@work at Lyon
For the first time, Eterno Ivica will be showcasing its Phonolook range at Architect@work, in Lyon, and trying out the new concept in exhibitions, which we consider to be excellently reworked and will be increasingly successful.

IEX Insulation Expo Europe 2018 - Cologne
Eterno Ivica will attend for the first time the IEX Insulation Expo Europe, the most important exhibition in the insulation sector, in Cologne.

Eterno Ivica at Klimahouse 2018: a success story
ETERNO IVICA in a great success at the KLIMAHOUSE 2018 exhibition in Bolzano.

Success for Eterno Ivica at the opening day of Klimahouse 2018
The opening day of the KLIMAHOUSE 2018 exhibition in Bolzano comes to an end. ETERNO IVICA exceeded all expectations